
After 20 years in the web design business Studioquigs has called it and it is now time to start winding down.

Why? … you ask.

Internet greed, unreliable internet service, rule change after rule change, mistrust with the system, and forced upgrades, all of which eventually has left the clients open for more ongoing expenses or poor web designers required to spend more hours on the keyboards keeping their client’s sites operational. As the dollar men say “Time is money”

A big shout out to SQ’s existing clients and those that have become friends over the years. It has been a pleasure dealing with you all.

“I will still definately be available to give advice, consultancy and assistance with existing sites but it is now time to concentrate on a new chapter or two in my life.”

There are paint brushes to pick up and canvases to cover ……. I am off and running.


About SQ

2021 saw the commencement of the wind down of my Studioquigs Web Design Business. After 20 years it is just time. Two productive decades which I did enjoy but it is now time to take a bit of stress out of my life.

Time to concentrate on other endeavours.

I am an active member of the Emu Park Art Gallery and hopefully will now be able to motivate myself to get cracking and produce even more paintings. A hobby in which I get great satisfaction and a world where I can continue to exercise my ‘creative streak’.

You can keep up to date with my paintings on this website here

Emu Park currently has a brand new Art Gallery which opened in September 2021. If you are in town then the Gallery is well worth a visit.

UPDATE: It is now September 2024 and the Web Site Design side of Studioquigs has now well and truly ceased operations.


About SQ Websites


From Jeff:  (Sept2024) “It has now been four years since I first notified those concerned that I am winding up my Web Service.”  “FYI the shutter is now down”

About My Artwork

Way back in the end years of the last century (1998) I enrolled into a full time Two Year Diploma of Visual Arts Course which I might add I loved every minute of.

But unfortunately after 6 months I came to realise that there was no regular money to be made out painting so I jumped ship over to the Diploma of Graphic Design, another 2 year full time course.

It was during the latter part of the “Graphics” that we students were introduced to a newish thing called Websites and how to make them. I enjoyed every minute of web design work and from such and 20 years later I am still doing the Studioquigs Website work.

Around 2015 my interests and desire to paint stirred again. My dear friend encouraged me to join the Emu Park Art Gallery and thankfully I took her advice. It has been most rewarding and my only regret was that I did not pick up the brushes earlier.

My opinion here, if I may … “It doesn’t matter if you are good or bad at it, if you love painting, or think you might love to have a crack at it, just do it”

“It is so good for the soul”

Read and view more of my artworks here.


As mentioned above since 2015 I have had the honour of being a Member of the Emu Park Art Gallery.

In September 2021 the Gallery was rehoused to a magnificent brand new building at 13 Hill Street, which is located right in the heart of beautiful Emu Park.

If you have not had the opportunity to visit the Local Emu Park Gallery and Gift Shop then I highly recommend that you do so. Admission is FREE and the Gallery is open from Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm.