FOGGY MORNING RUN.. Latest artwork by Jeff Quigley – Another painting finished
Foggy Morning Run … Firstly, my apologies for the quality of the photo. I had hell to play trying to get a decent shot. Photography and camera work is definitely not my forte.
Re this painting: One of the many voices inside my head was requesting another fog inspired piece. Well, finally, this is it. I lost count of many joyous hours I spent doing this “Foggy”. (50 to 60 hours at least) But I can honestly say that the grass areas on the side of the track were done at least 8 times including 3 complete paint overs. It is a wonder the neighbours did not report the foul language to the local constabulary.
Foggy Morning Run is Framed and is acrylic on canvas, a large painting 75cm x 56cm. It is my latest work and hopefully will be accepted into the next exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery which will be opening this November the 29th.
If you have not visited the Local Emu Park Gallery and Gift Shop then I highly recommend that you do so. Admission is FREE and the Gallery is open from Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm