Ma Rainey’s Band 1923 – Artist Jeff Quigley

Newest painting done and dusted ‘Ma Rainey Band 1923’ …. If I may be permitted to turn back the hands of time only 99 years and introduce you’all to the fabulous Ma Rainey and her band. Well actually it is a painting of Ma and the band I recently completed.

Just black, white and greys, and I had a lot of fun doing this one. (Sorry about the quality of the photo.)

It is Framed and is an acrylic on canvas, a large painting 88cm x 58cm. My latest work and ready to be hung in the next exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery. The next exhibition will be opening on the 29th June.

From Wikipedia… Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (April 26, 1886 – December 22, 1939) was an American blues singer and influential early blues recording artist.

I, myself was not familiar with Ma Rainey and her music until I happened to watch the recent released great movie ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’. I can highly recommend the movie, you can catch it on Netflix.

I have attached the original pic that inspired me to have a crack at painting it. It was a neat photo.

Beach Access by Jeff Quigley