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Got to love deadlines … NEARLY THERE..Narhh I made it, well finished it. (the painting – latest artwork by Jeff Quigley) This one had to be ready for presentation and inspection tomorrow, the 13th Feb for the new Exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery which commences on the 16th February.
I’ve titled this piece “Nearly There”, it is a unframed work, acrylic on canvas, and is 45cm x 45cm.
Nearly There was finished 12th February 2022
After seeing first hand the effort and hurdles that nesting Turtles have to endure I could just imagine how relieved they must be as they finally get back to the sanctuary that is their local oceans.
They are nearly there.
After a huge night of nest building, laying 50 to 80 eggs, burying and then hiding the nest from predators (and humans) and then having to safely navigate their way back to the water I could understand how absolutely buggered they must be.
Turtles, well simply they are such fascinating creatures.